Error when fetching investment in MyInvestor

I really hoped this value was true but it’s not :joy:

There seems to be an error when reporting the amount from this Vanguard fund from MyInvestor

Hey, thanks for the feedback. It’s an issue with our open banking provider Plaid, we pinged them to fix it.

@mounir Thanks for that, the issue is now fixed! However, now I have huge spikes in my portfolio so I can’t really see any progress in it. Is there a way to remove specific days from it?

Sure, give us the date ranges & we’ll handle it!

The days to remove will be:

  • Dec 5
  • Dec 16-18
  • Dec 23


Happy new year @mounir!

Did you get a chance to pass the dates to the team?

Hey @mounir I saw that the spikes from the chart are now gone, thanks for that! However, it looks like the value from the first day was not removed because all time portfolio gain is too high. Would it be possible to amend that as well? Thanks!

I just saw that the chart spikes are still present if I check the performance chart for the MyInvestor account so it’d be great if those can be removed as well :slight_smile:


Hi !
You just need to send mail to [email protected] with the informations you give us above :slight_smile:
It will be faster in this way


@agus Thanks for your message. I took care of it :slight_smile: