[Live] Monzo

I’m coming in hot today with the requests :stuck_out_tongue:
The UK’s Open Banking standard means integrating pretty much all UK banks has off-the-shelf solutions, and would be great to see in my Safety Net a non-zero number. It would also unlock cash-flow/budget for the UK when it arrives, which I know is in the works.
Thanks! <3

Hey team, since opening this topic I saw Monzo has been added to the integrations.
First, thank you so much! I really appreciate you adding this in so quickly. :heart_eyes:

I’ve tried connecting my Monzo account to Finary in the mobile app, and after being redirected to Monzo and approving the connection I’m stuck on a screen that says « You will be redirected to Monzo. »
That screen stays open until I close it (I’ve tried waiting >5 minutes without any change) - and when I do I’m just redirected back to the screen to select my bank without Monzo being added to Finary.
I’ve then tried to do the same in the webapp, which succeeded.

Just thought you’d might want to know about the discrepancy, as I saw you’re using some third party service and it might be somewhat finicky on mobile :slight_smile:

Hey Tom, we launched Monzo this Friday :slight_smile: Glad to hear that it worked on Web. We’re fine-tuning the integration on App, it should work like a charm soon!

@mounir The integration with Monzo current accounts works really well. Is there a way to integrate with the « Pots Â» (Monzo saving accounts) as well?