Missing Investment Funds

Hi! I created this sujet for us to share the investment funds that we want to add manually but we can’t because they are missing!

I hope it helps!

I am trying to add the following two funds, but I can’t:

  • Robeco BP Global Premium Equities DH EUR
    (there is LU0203975437, Robeco BP Global Premium Equities DH EUR, but it is very different)

  • DWS Concept DJE Alpha Renten Global

I am aware they may not be very good
 Actually I am looking to switch them, probably Fidelity’s S&P, but in the meantime
 and maybe someone else wants to add them too!

Hello @SkepticFlamingo ,
I advise you to contact support via chat. By providing them with the isin and datasheet, they should be able to add your funds.

1 « J'aime »

Oh that is great, thank you I am doing it right now