Quel est le bon investissement en hedge fund aujourd'hui?

Bonjour, je vous contacte car je suis jeune étudiant passionné par le monde l’investissement. aujourd’hui je fais face à un grand probleme j’ai un assignement en finance d’investissement (plus basé dur le global macro hedges funds) depuis plus d’une semaine jour et nuit je cherche par où commencer mais aucune solution. aujourd’hui je demnde votre aide c’est mon dernier recours. je veux juste vos avis et vos conseils de stategies sur ce sujet:
You represents a macro investment advisory firm You are based anywhere in the world I represent a group of potentially interested investors (Family Offices/HNWls) who collectively have between €10-€15m to invest in such funds as part of our diversification strategy Each group has to carry out a complete analysis of each fund under AQUIS CAPITAL AG management: ATLAS GLOBAL FUND (LEO SICAV) LUMMEN VIETNAM FUND IMPACTIS FUND FUNDS – AQUIS Capital AG Your report should obviously include a macro-economic analysis of Vietnam + any other countries/markets within the THREE funds Each group SHOULD decide on the following points: How to breakdown the amount available for investment (respecting fund criteria) A comparison with other macro investment funds/competitive funds (please focus on EU/UK/CH/US for fund domiciliation [) If I should invest in ALL AQUIS CAPITAL FUNDS or share with other funds based on your analysis If I should invest at all given current global macroeconomic trends, data and forecasts EXTRA POINTS: PROPOSE AN EQUIVALENT INVESTMENT FUND BASED ON MACRO-ECONOMICS BUT WITH A GREATER ESG/ALTERNATIVE APPROACH KEY POINT: USE MACRO-ECONOMICS TO JUSTIFY ALL YOUR RECOMMENDATIONS - NO OTHER TOPIC THE HIGHEST GRADE WILL GO TO THE GROUP WHO: Carries out the most complete financial and economic analysis Demonstrates the greatest understanding of global macro investing Illustrates the best investment strategy based on current market conditions

info complementaire: le rendement doit etre superieur à 8% et vous pouvez proposer d’autres fonds autres queue celui là.

Quel fond conseillez vous quel diversification? compte tenue des election aux US, des elections EU etc… quel strategy d’allocation est le mieux avantageux?